A good investment, especially for someone like me who is well read in wilderness survival and just being outdoors, but with very little experience outdoors.
I'm glad that it was a realistic approach to the subject. For instance, one might expect that since Gretchen was the presenter, her method of firemaking would outperform that of her friend, but that wasn't always the case. It goes to show that one must be very comfortable with methods of firemaking (any kind of survival crafting) before a need arises. That inspired me to begin practicing my firemaking skills.
I'd like to see the next step now. Different environments, different ways to use gear, condensing water, travelling with fire...the list could go on.
I'm so excited about the contents of this DVD, and I'm going to share it with anyone and everyone I can. Maybe I can even get my wife to stop rolling her eyes long enough to watch it with me!
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)