Mr. Biscuits, is Colorado a "blue" state? Maybe "W" rerouted the sats over Colorado! <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Just kidding of course! Biggest problem is that the GPS is not a Lowrance. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Kidding again! On first start up, a new GPS, any brand, doesn't know where it is. Not kidding. You may have to help it. Some have "auto find" and similar menu items. Once it finds itself, it shouldn't be a problem any more in the same general area. AFAIK, all current GPS units will receive 12 satellites which is more than enough. I believe I saw a new one advertised that will receive 15. My first GPS was a Lowrance with five channels and there were times when it absolutely would not acquire the sats even in a totally open area. Very frustrating. Then I went to a Lowrance GlobalNav 212 and it grabbed the sats in short order. Even in dense woods it rarely "lost" it's position. I now have a Lowrance iFinder Hunt and is truly a joy to own. I have purposely sought out the thickest place in the woods, like under a large cedar, and it still held onto it's position. I really don't know how to solve your problem. Garmin clearly has the market on GPS sales. If it continues to be stubborn, I would suggest you get with someone else who has the same unit and make comparisons together OR, in the alternative, call Customer Service at Garmin and see if they have any suggestions. Sorta reminds me of the time many years ago when a friend and I borrowed his father's new Poulan chain saw to take to the river bottoms to build a duck blind. We spent the bulk of the day pulling on the starter rope to keep it running. Finally, pulled the cord completely out of the saw. Got home and his father was anxiously inquiring about how his new saw performed. We told him it needed a longer rope. Not to start it with but to make a suitable boat anchor! <img src="/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> You shouldn't be having that much trouble acquiring the sats. If the problem persists, I would send it back to Garmin before the warranty expires.
"The more I carry, the less I need."