I wouldn't bug out without a reason, and the reason would inform my priorities. For example, England is a wet country so I'd normally expect to be able to find water unless there was a reason to think I couldn't. My "normal day wear" includes a lot of basic survival stuff, so I'd mostly be wanting extra gear that was too heavy or bulky for every day carry.

1 Tent. Shelter is my highest priority. We are getting subzero temperatures now. I have a small but expensive tent that weighs under 6lb.
2. Tin mug. I can improvise fire with my EDC, but I need something to cook in.
3. Sleeping bag.
4. Cooking kit. I have several; for this I'd take the one in the trianga mess tin, ideally stocked appropriately.
5. Bottled water. Several half-litre ones by choice, but a single 2l bottle if needed for it to count as a single item.
6. Food. Probably noodles, and some packaged fish-salad things I like.
7. Thermarest.
8. "Baily's" survival kit. I have a kit in the presentation tin from a miniture liquor bottle - a bit too big for everyday carry. It contains a mini-RSK knife and other goodies.
9. Garmin GPSMap 60.
10. Surefire U2 torch.

Those are all things I have handy in the house. The GPS might be higher priority if I knew where I was going to and was likely to be moving out of my local area.

Edited by Brangdon (11/20/05 05:20 PM)
Quality is addictive.