I have touched on this issue myself in other posts, dealing with survival tins. When I go day hiking and or backpacking, I am in effect carrying my survival gear on my back. Therefore, I base my survival philosophy on the TEN ESSENTIALS. 1) Map and Compass 2) Water –along with a way to store and purify it- and Food 3) First Aid Kit 4) Flashlight –with extra batteries- 5) Extra Clothing –adequate to deal with rain and or cold- 6) Knife 7) Matches and Fire Starter 8) Shelter –tarp/poncho, bivy bag, etc.-. Surprisingly this all fits into the average daypack, with a quart of water I am way under 10 pounds on my back. However, if I’m doing any hiking in the desert and carrying a days supply of water I will usually carry one and half gallons of water total, at 8 pounds per gallon. 9) Fire Arm –with extra ammo- 10) The Will to Survive!
To the last, I grapple with thee; From Hell's heart, I stab at thee; For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.