Well, this thread has convinced me to once again alter "upward" my bird hunting vest PSK/FAK gear. For years, I've carried a bandanna, a FAK, a pocket knife, a Leatherman Wave, a couple of lighters, a liter of water and a whistle and a spare truck key on a lanyard. FAK always has had a space blanket, as well as a small pair of forceps (very handy for getting small burrs and such from between the dogs' paw pads when they can't do it themselves).
After reading here on ETS, I added a supplemented Ritter Kit, an RSK 1 in sheath, a 2-AA flashlight and a pocket sharpening rod. Next thing, we add another dog to the contingent, which brought us to two English setters (Lewellyns) and a golden retriever. So now me and my bro are always carrying at least two liters water each.
Well, I start noticing my vest and drawers are getting pretty darn weighty, so I strip out out the PSK, the sharpening stone, flashlight, the RSK 1, etc. I figure, what the heck, I know most of the land we hunt pretty darn well.
Now, reading about this poor guy, I''ve come about half-way round again. Made room in the FAK for most of the PSK contents, especially fire and signaling. Found EZE-Laps smallest, lightest sharpening rod and added it to the FAK pouch. Also managed to get a 2-AAA Browning ballistic light in there, as well as a folded Ziplock (cause let's face it: all this stuff isn't going to make it back into the little Atwater Carey pouch if I have to go into it and then repack it in field-expedient fashion.)
Also switched the Wave in a leather pouch to a Fuse in a nylon pouch (a bit of weight savings) and now carry a KaBar Dozier folding hunter (I like it's flat, light carry a little better than the Ritter, and it's a pretty fair knife in its own right) and a wee Old Timer liner-lock pen knife in the watch pocket, 'cause sometimes you need a small blade.
Isn't it weird how finding that optimum utility vs. weight/bulk thing becomes a sub-hobby in itself?
Edited by MGF (11/16/05 10:03 AM)