
Cans are easier to get than the ever touted wet packed or dehydrated food. I can get them any time, any place, and it is more efficent and safer to use a proper can opener than a knife blade.

Bottle caps are still popular around the world, more so than they are in the US. Slowly we are forcing the twist top upon the globe, but they are just as reusable, and better for long term storage, than twist topped plastic bottles. Stocking up on the caps is easy, compact, and the hand crimpers are easy to use. Give me a bottle opener that doesn't really mangle the caps- you can reform them if the aren't too beat. Also, I find the Vic bottle opener a handy mini pry bar in an emergency.

And the corckscrew is limited by your imagination alone.

Then again, the M-1 Garand, the slide rule, and horses are obsolete to most people. Just like real compasses, wool socks, and a cast iron dutch oven. Or the backsword, the sailed boat, and wine in something other than a box.

Obsolete is a state of mind on the part of the user, not on the part of tool.

That being said, a Vic Huntsman partnered with something like the Mini-Leatherman modified to have a 1/4 hex holder and wire stripping notches would be very, very spiffy. Add a mini Ka-Bar and I'm a happy man.

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.