>>>vaseline is the stuff people put on there skins right ?<br><br>Yes. It's petroleum jelly.<br><br>There are two methods for applying it to cotton balls. <br><br>One, just dip the ball into the jelly and work it in a bit. <br><br>Two, heat up the jelly into a liquid state and dunk the ball into the liquid and squeeze "dry." Tom Ayers discussed the second method on this forum a few months ago. I haven't tried it yet but will in a few weeks before I go camping again. I'd use tweezers to dunk it and Tom cautioned to be careful when squeezing, as the liquid jelly is hot and can burn. He waited a brief moment before squeezing out the excess. But don't wait too long, as it will gel up again rather quickly.<br><br>You can store them in small plastic baggies or zip-lock bags, or in plastic film canisters. Tom also devised a method where he crammed several into a plastic drinking straw. He then crimped and seal the ends with a little heat. To use the cotton, you snip open the straw to remove. Seems east enough and I'm looking forward to trying it.<br>
Willie Vannerson
McHenry, IL