I followed the recent posts on mini broadcast receivers with interest, and purchased an AM and an FM radio from the UK source, suggested I think by 'Peanut'. The source: <br>http://www.sinclair-research.co.uk/system/index.html <br>Thanks, Peanut! <br>I have only trialled them around my home so far; so my impressions are tentative. These things are SMALL, and given their size, could be useful in a PSK or larger survival kit.<br>I presume their usuage would be for Civil Defence alerts/ weather alerts/ bush fire warnings etc. which are broadcast over AM stations in my part of the world.<br>As I say, tentative testing so far, but the AM radio has what I would call reasonable selectivity; ie, my local AM station booms in, at the cost of more distant stations. This was with the tiny 'whip' antenna. Sinclair provide a 'long wire' antenna for both the AM and the FM receivers, and fitted to the AM, does provide better coverage of distant stations.<br>My usuage of these things would be to provide information, not only in urban or suburban emergencies, but out in the bush. I shall trial the AM when I next put a pack on my back and head out. This will also give a better indication about how much rough handling the thing can take. <br>So far, so good. And as Peanut said, because these things are driven by lithium batteries, you can easily pack a spare or two in a PSK. I have yet to see how much juice they use, but I note both sets have a fixed volume setting. To adjust volume, you simply push the earbud further into your noggin, or pull it out! I'll keep you posted . Cheers, PeterR, Australia.
"Serve in Love; live by Faith"