Yeah - a LOT of history in the valley between Harpers Ferry and Fredrick. We will sit up on my wife's gandparent's porch (well - now the "family" house) and sometimes talk Civil War history - and point out what went on where. Then talk about Mary's Gret Great Grandfather (I think it's Great Great anyway - might be off) - He was a Surgeon with the Union Army during the war - they still have/had his letters home (I say had/have because the collection is now actually at Hopkins in the Library) - A lot of history, and a bunch of artifacts from it sitting in that house

As a person who's family has only been in this country since the 1920s, it's very interesting to sit, and talk history with my wife's family, who have been here since the Mayflower
73 de KG2V
You are what you do when it counts - The Masso