Looks like this has been covered well. FWIW, here's my generic "getting started" list.
The Basics.

1/2 tank of gas in cars at all time.
Flashlight and radio with extra batteries and bulbs.
Shoes, flashlight and keys (EDC stuff) at bedside.
Have a plan


A planned meeting place outside the home and in the neighborhood.
A wallet size phone list, outside of area contact person/plan.
Know what school & daycare will do.
Have a meeting place away from home, incase you can't get to your house.
Do the basics.
More water
Food that rerquires little or no cooking and stores well. Buy what you will eat.
Box or bag with kid stuff.
Flashlight & LED keychain for each person.
Box with TP, garbage bags, hand wipes hand sanitizer, paper plates , can opener, SAK, multi tool,etc.
Gas shut off wrench
Extra or old pair of glasses
Cash in small bills.

1/2 tank of gas at all times.
Flashlight and extra batteries
Jumper cables, long ones are better.
Know how to change a flat tire.
Adapter to charge cell phone.
Map of area and state.
Box or daysack with food, water, hats, gloves, socks, space blankets and kid stuff.


Windup/Rechargeable radio and lantern
More water and a way to purify water.
More food, rotate it every year or two.
Add to FAK . Any normal medications that you use.
Pet food, water, collar, ,leash, ID tags, photo, travel crate.
Add to kids box.
Way to cook and serve food. Disposable utencils, dish soap, etc.
Fire extinguishers, hoses long enough to reach entire house.
Small bag to keep at school.
Copies of ID, etc, important documents stored outside of home and online
Write up the plan, involve the kids.

Nice to have

More water, cash, batteries.
BOB for each person stored outside of house.With change of clothing.
Fuel, chainsaw, generator.

Don't forget the can openers.
