I agree- right down to the brand. I have several balaclavas that I've bought over the years, but a medium-weight synthetic fleece Patagonia is my favorite, especially for sleeping in during cold weather. A balaclava also works well inside a jacket hood, which many hats do not. I have a large head, and many balaclavas are too tight after hours of wear; but the Patagonia works.<br><br>I have a lot of hats, but the Patagonia balaclava and the Tilley are the ones that I end up actually taking. The balaclava I'll leave behind when going to warm regions, but the Tilley goes everywhere, even when I don't expect to need it. <br><br>Hats have not been fashionable for men in the US since the JFK inauguration, but they’re still a valuable piece of outdoor gear, and the fact that they’re not fashionable has made them, and knowing how to use them, even more a mark of an outdoorsman. There are areas and circumstances where you'll be in serious trouble without one. IMHO, it's a highly underrated piece of equipment.. mostly thanks to Hollywood.<br><br>