I'm going to have to agree with the previous post for the reasons I don't use milk jugs. They are more porous in nature than the plastic of a pop bottle and I have never been able to deal with the fact that I might still be drinking water with month old milk in it...despite using bleach and soap and water...plus in my area, the milk comes with a crappy snap on lid, not as robust as a 2 liter pop bottle.

Now having said that, pop bottle aren't the only things..I regulary have the wife buy us a jug of Minute Maid Orange Juice or some other flavor..they have GREAT jugs. Heavy plastic, food grade and easily cleaned. I have several of these still in operation from the early 90's. If your child has ever used Pedialyte...those are great for water storage too.

Even if you don't buy or consume pop...a neighbor probably does...just tell them that you are working on a project with your child and need some, or you are collecting them for a plastic drive, or you are starting a home garden..anything to get that free supply. And they will probably be glad to get rid of them. <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Get busy living...or get busy dying!