
Disaster supplies on a budget

While i don't agree 100% with this list, it is a good start as a guide in buying supplies on a budget. Not sure where I found it.

Week 1 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 gallon water*
________ 1 jar peanut butter
________ 1 large can juice*
________ 1 can meat*
________ Hand-operated can opener
________ Permanent marking pen
Also, if needed:

________ Pet food
________ Diapers
________ Baby food
To Do:

________ Find out what kinds of disasters can happen in your area.
________ Date each perishable food item using marking pen.

Week 2 (Hardware Store)

________ Heavy cotton or hemp rope
________ Duct tape
________ 2 flashlights with batteries
________ Matches in waterproof container
Also, if needed:

________ A leash or carrier for your pet
To Do:

________ Complete a personal assessment of your needs and your resources for meeting your needs in a changed disaster environment.

Week 3 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 gallon water*
________ 1 can meat*
________ 1 can fruit*
________ Feminine hygiene supplies
________ Paper and pencil
________ Map of the area
________ Aspirin or nonaspirin pain reliever
________ Laxative
Also, if needed:

________ 1 gallon of water for each pet
To Do:

________ Create a personal support network who can help you identify and obtain the resources you will need to cope effectively with disaster.

Week 4 (Hardware Store)

________ Patch kit and can of seal-in-air product for the tires of mobility aids
________ Signal flare
________ Compass
To Do:

________ Gather extra medications and prescriptions, mark them "for emergency use."
________ Develop a personal disaster plan.
________ Give copies of the following lists to your network: emergency information list, medical information list, disability-related supplies and special equipment list, and personal disaster plan.

Week 5 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 gallon water*
________ 1 can meat*
________ 1 can fruit*
________ 1 can vegetables*
________ 2 rolls toilet paper
________ Extra toothbrush
________ Travel size toothpaste
Also, if needed:

________ Special food for special diets
To Do:

________ Make a floor plan of your home including primary escape routes.
________ Identify safe places to go to in case of fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane and flood.
________ Practice a fire drill and other pertinent disaster drills for your area (tornado, earthquake, etc.) with your network.

Week 6 (First Aid Supplies)

________ Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
________ Safety pins
________ Adhesive tape
________ Latex gloves
________ Sunscreen
________ Gauze pads
________ Sterile roller bandages
Also, if needed:

________ Extra hearing aid batteries
To Do:

________ Check with child's day care center or school to find out about their disaster plans.
________ Ask your local emergency management office if emergency transportation services are available in case of evacuation.

Week 7 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 gallon water*
________ 1 can ready-to-eat soup (not concentrated)*
________ 1 can fruit*
________ 1 can vegetables*
________ Sewing kit
________ Disinfectant
Also, if needed:

________ Extra plastic baby bottles
________ Formula
________ Diapers
To Do:

________ Establish an out-of-town contact to call in case of emergency.
________ Share this information with your network so they know whom to call.
________ Make arrangements for your network to check on you immediately after an evacuation order or a disaster.

Week 8 (First Aid Supplies)

________ Scissors
________ Tweezers
________ Thermometer
________ Liquid antibacterial hand soap
________ Disposable hand wipes
________ Needles
________ Petroleum jelly or other lubricant
________ 2 tongue blades
Also, if needed:

________ Extra eyeglasses (put in first aid kit)
To Do:

________ Place a pair of sturdy shoes and a flashlight by your bed so they are handy in an emergency.
________ If blind, store a talking clock and one or more extra white canes.
________ If blind, mark your disaster supplies in braille or with fluorescent tape.

Week 9 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 can ready-to-eat soup*
________ Liquid dish soap
________ Household chlorine bleach
________ 1 box heavy-duty garbage bags with ties
________ Antacid (for stomach upset)
Also, if needed:

________ Saline solution
________ Contact lens case
To Do:

________ Familiarize your network with any areas on your body where you have reduced sensation.
________ Choose a signal with your network that indicates you are okay and have left the disaster site.
________ If you have a communication disability, store a word or letter board in your disaster supplies kit.

Week 10 (Hardware Store)

________ Waterproof portable plastic container (with lid) for important papers
________ Battery-powered radio
________ Wrench(es) needed to turn off utilities
To Do:

________ Take your network on a field trip to the gas meter and water meter shutoffs. Discuss when it is appropriate to turn off utilities.
________ Attach a wrench next to the cutoff valve of each utility meter so it will be there when needed.
________ Make photocopies of important papers and store safely.

Week 11 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 large can juice*
________ Large plastic food bags
________ 1 box quick energy snacks
________ 3 rolls paper towels
________ Medicine dropper
To Do:

________ Store a roll of quarters for emergency phone calls.
________ Go on a hunt with your family to find a pay phone that is close to your home.
________ Test your smoke detector(s). Replace the battery in each detector that does not work.

Week 12 (Animal Care Store)

________ Extra harness, leash, ID tags and food for your service animal and/or pets
________ Litter/pan
________ Extra water
From your veterinarian:

________ Obtain current vaccinations and medical records of your animal(s)
________ Medications
To Do:

________ Develop a pet care plan in case of disaster.
________ Make photocopies of all vaccination records and put them in your disaster supplies kit.
________ Put extra animal harness, leash and identification tag(s) in your disaster supplies kit.

Week 13 (Hardware Store)

________ Whistle
________ Pliers
________ Screwdriver
________ Hammer
________ Perforated metal tape (sometimes called plumber's tape or strap iron)
________ Crow bar
To Do:

________ Take a first aid/CPR class from your local Red Cross.
________ Arrange to have your water heater strapped to wall studs using perforated metal tape.

Week 14 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 can fruit*
________ 1 can meat*
________ 1 can vegetables*
________ 1 package eating utensils
________ 1 package paper cups
To Do:

________ Make sure your network and neighbors know what help you may need in an emergency and how best to assist.
________ Practice using alternate methods of evacuation with your network.

Week 15 (Hardware Store)

________ Extra flashlight batteries
________ Extra battery for portable radio
________ Assorted nails
________ Wood screws
________ Labels for your equipment and supplies
To Do:

________ Make arrangements to bolt bookcases and cabinets to wall studs.
________ Label equipment and attach instruction cards.

Week 16 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 can meat*
________ 1 can vegetables*
________ 1 box facial tissue
________ 1 box quick energy snacks
________ Dried fruit/nuts
To Do:

________ Find out if you have a neighborhood safety organization and join it.
________ Develop a disaster supplies kit for your car or van.

Week 17 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 box graham crackers
________ Assorted plastic containers with lids
________ Dry cereal
First Aid Supplies:

________ Antidiarrheal medication
________ Rubbing alcohol
________ Antiseptic
________ Syrup of ipecac and activated charcoal
To Do:

________ Arrange for a friend or neighbor to help your children if you are not able to respond or are at work.

Week 18 (Hardware Store)

________ Child-proof latches or other fasteners for your cupboards
________ Double-sided tape or hook-and-loop fasteners (such as VelcroŽ) to secure moveable objects
________ Plastic bucket with tight lid
________ Plastic sheeting
To Do:

________ Arrange for someone to install latches on cupboards and secure moveable objects.
________ Put away a blanket or sleeping bag for each household member.

Week 19 (Grocery Store)

________ 1 box quick-energy snacks
________ Comfort foods (such as cookies, candy bars)
________ Plastic wrap
________ Aluminum foil
Also, if needed:

________ Denture care items
To Do:

________ Review your insurance coverages with your agent to be sure you are covered for the disasters that may occur in your area. Obtain additional coverage, as needed.
________ Purchase and have installed an emergency escape ladder for upper story windows, if needed.

Week 20 (Hardware Store)

________ Camping or utility knife
________ Work gloves
________ Safety goggles
________ Disposable dust masks
________ 2 blank videocassettes
Specialty Store:

________ An extra battery for motorized mobility aids
To Do:

________ Use a video camera to tape the contents of your home for insurance purposes.
________ Make a copy of the videotape and send to an out-of-town friend or family member.
________ Find out about your workplace disaster plan.
Our most important survival tool is our brain, and for many, that tool is way underused! SBRaider
Head Cat Herder