Wife and I are taking Dave's 13 week course now..good stuff.

So..since I really don't have a budget right now for anything other than debt...I'll let you in on some of the things that I am doing..that cost little of nothing.

I drink a 20 oz bottle of Diet Mt. dew every day...don't laugh..it's good stuff. save the bottle, wash it out fill 3/4 with water and freeze..ready supply of ice in power outage.

I also do as another suggested and save the liter bottles and fill with water..almost any decent size jug will work..NOT MILK.

Food is another issue..you have to actually go get it. I agree with other suggestions here...buy what you will actually eat. For example..I know that my daughter loves jerky of any kind..so I have some. Buy in small quantities over a period time so you don't kill your budget all at once. I try to buy one or two items every time I go to the store.

My new son is on formula...save all the metal(Similac) cans. Boil water, eat out of store water, food, medicine. You would be amazed how much medicine you can cram in one of those cans.

Those are just a few...get the water taken care of first!!! That's my suggestion. Then build from there.
Get busy living...or get busy dying!