But wouldn't having a steering wheel lock key in the glove box defeat the purpose of having the steering wheel lock.
If I were a thief and I broke into a car, I would check all the compartments first for any easy grabs so if someone saw me trying to steal the car and I had to run I would still have something, so chances are they would still find the key and then use it to unlock the steering wheel lock instead of hacksawing it off.
I also wondered about the registration in the glove box. When my s10 was stolen back when I was in college I had my insurance card and registration in the glove box. When the truck was found those papers were discarded on the floor but could have easily been thrown out the window. Someone told me I should only keep a copy in the glove box so as to not loose the original but I have never checked with an LEO to see if they will accept a copy when they pulled someone over, maybe someone on that side of the badge can chime in here.