
The FAQ tells you at what post count your title changes.

Golly. RTFM. Heh, even after you said that, it took me a bit to find it!

The FAQ says:

What is the string that appears beneath my username in posts?

It's a system-generated User Title - stranger, newbie, journeyman, member etc. You progress through the various levels according to the cumulative number of posts you have made.

What are these titles about?

Everyone has a title within the forum. You will notice them below the Username in each post. Some titles are automatically assigned based on the number of posts a user has made, and some titles are assigned by the forum owner to denote official representatives of the company or other VIPs in the forums.

Here is the list of the standard titles and # of posts to achieve them:

0 new member
25 newbie
50 journeyman
100 dedicated member
200 enthusiast
300 needs a life

I noted:
Yah, while it isn't importaint, I've been curious about that too. I've been a "newbie member" since 10/10/01 with 262 posts.

So it appears that the counter, or the FAQ is busted. :-)


Edited by JohnN (10/07/05 05:16 AM)