I suppose this is getting off-topic, although the right to carry SAK and Leatherman tools is obviously something that's of interest to us all; but the biggest problem I have with "security" is that all too often, it's either not secure or it's used as a scapegoat by someone who wants to shove through an unpopular measure and knows it would never be tolerated if it wasn't justified by "security". <br><br>If they were really interested in preventing a hijacking, why is it that in every major airport in North America, I can still buy wine in glass bottles *inside* the security perimeter? Be honest - if you were a suicide terrorist, what weapon would you prefer - a pair of nail clippers, or a broken bottle? Yet nail clippers will be confiscated by security (as my 80-year old mother found out); they'll sell you the broken bottle (or at least the "kit" for making it :-) inside the security zone.<br><br>Biggest problem is, there are too many people who *think* they understand security, but don't really have a clue. Even the police and FBI don't always understand how security really works.<br><br>Disclaimer: By a strange coincidence, I happen to be a computer security engineer in real life, and I also teach computer security awareness as a sideline. Not that I'm advertising or anything :-)
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled."