Hi,I've been lurking here for sometime,I like it and have learned much.A recent thread about living at home after the big one got me thinking about gas leaks,and thought I'd share what know and have seen.<br><br>Gas leaks/fumes calls are the most comman call I go on as a firefighter,I must be up to over 1,000 of them easy.99% of the time very minor,leak at the stove etc.some broken lines and one house that blew up and we pulled 2 dead people out of that burning pile of rubble.<br><br>Here's some things to keep in mind,without a meter you don't know what you got, you can be "pretty sure"its minor,but you can't be 100%.In normal times,leave don't turn on/off any thing including phones and flashlights,call the gas company/911 from a neighbors.<br><br>Gas rises,what seems light downstrairs can be quite a bit more upstairs always open the top windows first when venting.It has a very narrow explosive range,its to rich or to lean to blow,most of the time,without a meter you just don't know what you got.<br><br>Too rich is the most dangerous,because as it disapates it will pass though the explosive range.You come home find a heavy smell of gas,shut off the main and go outside,a little later you stick your head inside,"oh come on in dear its cleared out alot"...BOOM.<br><br>Now in times of natural disasters,like an earthquake there will be lots of broken gas lines and very slow (or no) responce from fire and or the gas company.Do what you feel is best,just keep these things in mind.<br><br>