$600 for a bow and arrow? That sounds nuts, I'm sure there's decent ones a lot cheaper.

I hope so too!

I guess I liken it to guitars. The first guitar I ever owned cost $350, which I found out much later is about the least one would want to spend on a decent guitar. As my interest grew I got more expensive models. My most expensive one is $2500. Concert classical guitarists will commonly pay in excess of $20,000 for an instrument. Will I ever own a $20,000 guitar? Not unless I hit the Power Ball. Do I still play my $350 guitar? You bet.

I'm guessing what I'm seeing in the stores are more of an intermediate type of bow. The one I peeked at at Wal Mart was $250. I'm just nervous that it will be poor quality and I will have spent a lot of money for garbage. Then again, I've never owned a bow, and I've wanted one since I can remember...thanks to "The Dukes of Hazzard". So maybe I should stop worrying and just put it on layaway...
Memento mori
Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat (They all wound, the last kills)