Now that the storm has passed through the Houston area--I haven't seen any news coverage of whether any people were caught on the highways trying to evacuate when Rita came through. Apparently, the traffic jams eased up before Rita arrived, but then again, what about all those people who ran out of gas/broke down the day or two before?
Another related question--when everyone was bugging out, were the gas stations open? Not "did they have gas?" but were the stations actually open and staffed? For example, if you only had cash, was someone there who could turn on the pump? Well, in a pinch, you could always ask another motorist to put it on their card and just pay them the cash, too, I guess. Anyway, I'm just curious since from the TV, it seemed like just about every business closed in anticipation of Rita and I'm wondering about the most important businesses that day--the gas stations.