I forgot to mention this previously: I don't recommend sealing a wound in the field. Especially, don't do it if you are going to take the patient to a hospital emergency room. The doc there will be really annoyed if he has to try to unseal it to check for abcesses, dirt & whatnot. He cannot be responsible for the condition of the wound if he cannot see what is really involved. He will be really steamed if he has to remove some amateur stitches. One time, when doing my observation time in the ER, a biker guy was brought in. He had gotten into a fight and got hit in the head with a 2x4 with nails in it. He was way too tough to go to the ER, so he had his significant other sew him up with ordinary sewing thread. After the wound got grossly infected, he decided that perhaps a visit to the hospital was in order. He was admitted & put on IV antibiotics.