I fully agree with cjk, overkill in a medical will either get you in trouble and or take up wasted space. For years now i see ems personel go nuts on gear.........and half of it you'll never use. such as magill forceps......first unless you acutally see a small object in an airway(assuming heimlich didnt dislodge it) chances are no forcep is going to get it either. And too many of certain items is over kill as well. Keep them for replacements, but unless its a known extended trip-you probably dont need 150 4x4's, 10 blades, a small stretcher etc..... see the point. Lastly Meds-i do have a few advanced drugs i tote on special trips, but as CJK mentioned i too reserve them for myself/immediate friends family due to liability and "suit" issues.
PS-for the best all around medical course-look in to a wildnerness medical course