I would like to welcome <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> all of the new members to the forum. Many, based upon your early postings, have been ?lurkers? for a while and now due to the current natural disaster have begun to examine your individual situations and have made or have taken steps to ensure you and your families have the best chance to survive and perhaps maintain some degree of comfort in times of crisis.
As you may guess, there are many many ways of doing things and in many cases as many opinions as there are members. There is a whole host of useful and in some cases detailed posts and discussions on all kinds of things. You may want to search previous threads or look up information on ETS?s main site. Doug?s comprehensive and informative lists, descriptions, evaluations, etc. should be read and reread, as they contain years of knowledge and wisdom. But as it has been stated on many a posting, your mind (mine is long gone <img src="/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />) is your best and most useful tool. Whether one is assembling first aid kits/supplies, PSKs, buying a knife, gun or the newest, greatest and must have ?survival tool?, learning or perfecting some new skill, always examine why and what you are doing, does it meet your needs for what you are trying to accomplish. While it is okay and most likely wise to learn from the experiences of others, never be totally satisfied with a ?pat? answer. Experiment and practice skills for your self, get training when and where obtainable and take what we (all of the forum members ?new or old) post, only as a starting point.
Just some random thoughts.
Stay well, stay safe-