Re: less than lethal rounds: they are a) factually misplaced, and b) legally irrelevant.

Factually: any round intented to be sub-lethal can be lethal, and in a self defense scenario they are dumn. If you are in a lethal force situation, use lethal force. Get used to the idea.

Legally: the 12 bore from which you are fieing that round is an inherently lethal weapon. If you kill someone with a round intended to to be sub-lethal, your intent will not save you from a felony murder charge. The circimstances of trhe shoot may, i.e., clear self defnese or defense of other persons and property, in which case it does not matter what you used -- you were privielged to shoot to kill.

Pay no attention to the stories about folks tht were sued for everything they own because they shot burglar that lived. Those stories are for the most part tort reform propaganda. I have made this offer for over ten years: if you get sued in a civil court for shooting a burglar, tresspasser, or other assailant in your home, I will represent you for free.

Lastly, talk to cops. A good way to get killed is to try to shoot NOT to kill. Get over it, or don't buy the gun. Center of mass or nothing, folks.