If you mean you are opposed to the type of threads that discuss how best to disembowel/shoot your foe, then I think you are absolutely right. Those types of discussions are tedious at best and juvenile at worst.

IMO discussions about which caliber/action/manufacturer is best in a defense/hunting/survival scenario are a legitimate topic.

I think we can rely on our moderator to keep things in hand. If you think a thread is going in an improper direction, shoot him a PM. I'll bet it's taken care of expeditiously.

I am an NRA member and supporter. I think it stinks that you had to become a member to shoot at your range, especially if you are opposed to the NRA's politics/ideals. I sometimes take for granted that I have thousands of square miles to go out and shoot from a scant 20 minutes west of where I live.

Regards, Vince

Edited by norad45 (09/11/05 12:50 AM)