way TOO MUCH government and TOO MANY government agencies -- it is an impossible to control monster that cannot communicate and will not take responsibility for anything. multiple agencies make it easy to pass the buck and shift the blame, and it was designed that way and will always be that way. all homeland security did was create God knows how many more agencies under the auspices of better communication and one man managing and communicating with them all. what a joke! Tom Ridge, couldn't get a handle on it and Chertoff won't do any better. Meanwhile we get thousands more bureaucrats who will shuffle more paper with a cushy government job and accomplish nothing but spending billions and billions of taxpayer dollars and then when a reporter's microphone gets placed in their face, will say, the decision wasn't mine, it was his/her [pick your favorite local state federal] government agency. At least , there will be plenty of bureaucrats on hand to make reports of dead, dying, cost to rebuild, etc, generate paper, that's what they're good at