In our survival bags, we keep a large number of varied and often esoteric items. I find myself frequently raiding my bag to meet unanticipated needs in everyday situations. Exactly what the next need or solution might be, I can't predict. Even in a situation of emergency survival, we are unlikely to use, let alone need, all of our gear & supplies. But we do not leave out things just because they might not be needed. Guns are effective tools of security against depradations by man or beast. They are very comforting when things go bump in the night. Guns are also very helpful in converting uncooperative wildlife into usable nutrition.<br><br>In short, guns are useful & indispensible survival tools. We would be foolhardy to omit them from our planning.<br><br>John <br><br>P.S. Let's not forget that protecting and providing for the needs of ourselves & our families is also traditionally a guy thing.