Filtration is to remove particulates - and even a virus is a particulate (but really really small). However, contamination, in the form of a solution of water and some chemical, is not something that can be filtered out. Even distilling won't clean up dirty water, especially with polar solvents (ethyl alchohol and the like). The process of decontamination of water is a science that is complex, requires extensive equipment and monitoring, and is most certainly NOT the kind of thing your camping water filter can handle.
In the case of NOLA, I'd be using hot water heaters, toilet tanks, even indoor swimming pools if I could find them, as sources of water. If I were stuck in a building, I'd start improvising a rainwater collection system NOW, even if the sky is blue today - because there's thunderstorms in the forecast for tomorrow. A sheet of plastic and a bucket or trash barel can mean the difference between life and death.