Rec'd at 3:30 MST 08/29/2005
Just to give you all a first hand report from New Orleans. My cousin is a
policeman and he is stationed at a hospital and the water is up to the
second floor. Another cousin stayed in the City and the water was up to the
ceiling and he and his father went to the attic and are now on top of the
roof. I hadn't heard these reports on the news until about five minutes ago
when CNN reported that most of the 9th ward is under water and the City is
sending out boats to rescue people. Most of my immediate family left
Saturday night and are in various parts of Texas I have spoke to most of
them. The only family member who is missing is one Aunt who was in a
nursing home and they left the City but not sure where she is at right now,
her daughter is unable to deal with where her mother is because her son is
the one who decided not to leave and is now stuck on a roof.