Okay, I finally got around to taking some photos.

This is what I generally have on me most of the time. Clockwise from left.
Maxpedition Keyper Fantastic! Keeps keys (and assorted gadgets) from falling to the bottom of the pocket. I find that while wearing it over my left rear pocket, it works better if worn backwards i.e. with logo not showing. Makes it easier to remove keychain when you might need it in a hurry.
Keyper contains: -Princeton Tech Light- Soon to be replaced with a TnC "N" cell
-Uncle Bill's Sliver Gripper
-Magnesium Rod with Flint insert
-Pill container w/ personal meds
-Modified Fox 40 mini whistle (soon to be replaced with a Peter Atwood stainless steel one)
-Attachment point for my regular keys (not shown)
McLux III PD custom LED flashlight - Yes, I am a flashaholic. After months of research (and purchases) I found this to be the ideal EDC flashight for me. Here's a little info about the light.
-Uses 1x123 lithium cell (also rechargable but with reduced runtime)
-Has two regulated levels of light- Approx. 580mA on high for about 1 hour and 45 minutes of runtime and 30 mA on low for 42 Hours of runtime!!!! Your mileage may vary.
-HA-III inside and out
--Uses a (first of its kind) piston drive. All of the electronics are in the head of the unit (including the switch) for an optimized electrical path.
-Light is activated either by twisting the head (rather than the tail) -OR- pushing on the piston at the rear of the light (for momentary). In either case, first you get low, continue a little more for high.
-Has a saphire window with AR coating.
-Has a removable titanium clip. The best I've seen on any tool.
-Mine also has a tritium insert in the piston (optional extra)
- O-ring sealed throughout. Waterproof tested to 120 feet in a pressure tank.
You can find a TON of more information on CPF Here's some links:
McLux III PD FAQ McLux III-PD Prices McLux Ordering Thread Anyway, they are a bit expensive- $205 for base model. But VERY well worth it. I haven't bought another flashlight (except for a 2nd one for back-up). Many people here would spend this much on a knife, but in an urban environment a GREAT flashlight is at least as important (IMHO).
Anyway! Next is my
Leatherman Charge xTi (ya'all know about that one) I keep a
Peak AAA 3 LED snow in one of the pockets an extra lithium cell in the other. I'm also working on that sawzall mod I saw posted here a while back.
-Mini Bic Then I have a
SOG Pentagon Elite with the axis lock. I also have a Benchmade 551s Griptilian that I carry sometimes, but I like the shape and weight of the SOG better.
Not shown (forgot to include my watch in the photo. It's usually a S&W Titanium with Tritium, but sometimes a stainless Lumilux.
That's on my person. I then usually have a backpack with me with more fun stuff.
Get the flashlight! You'll love it!