For a long time I´ve carried nearly anything probably needfull 24/7.
That´s supposable uncomfortable, bulky and not at least frightening to "the sheeps" around me.
So I´ve started to cut down extent and bulk of my 24/7-EDC again and again and again ... till I´ve ended at this but it might change within a few day ...:

These items I´ve stored in and wrapped around a waterproof capsual:
- potassium permanganate in a small vial
- 6 doses Ioperamid
- slim forcreps
- roughly 1,000 EUR in cash
- small photograph of my wife
- ferrocerium rod
- small amount of cotton
- 10 small fish hooks
- 5 small slint shots
- 3 small snap swivels
- 2 spare battery for Photon-Micro
- sheath waterproof paper
- Space-Pen cartridge
- SAS compass
- 2 sewing needles
- scalpel blade
- 2 Gerber bags
- 30 waterpurifcation tablets
- 15 cm tubing
- 15 m monofillament
- 30 cm duct tape
- 15 m tripwire
- 2 m paracord

Only the SAS saw-wire I wished to attache I weren´t able to .

This capsual can be worn around the neck or be clipped to the sheath of my EDC-knife together with the Photon.
Alltogether goes with me everywere as it brings only a minimal bulk with it (aproximal 25-30mm in diameter and 130mm long).

Additional to this I´ve sewn spaceblankets & shemagh-sized silk scarfs into every jacket or coat I own and even to some trousers (for those times I went out without a jacket).

I´ve tested it during a few trips during my last holidays and found it quit adequate.