As for the cross-band repeater capability of the IC-W32A, it doesn't look like it's limited to 2m/70cm operation. Either side of the IC-W32A can be set for VHF or UHF operation. So you could conceivably use it to relay 2m/2m or 70cm/70cm as well. I think you can even use it to link two other repeaters, as each side of the radio can operate as a repeater client. It's a pretty complex beast, and I'm still clawing my way through the manual.

Unfortunately, Icom doesn't offer a better battery pack than a NiCd. The AA pack *is* a 4 AA, unlike the only equivalent Yaesu (VX7R), which only takes a 2xAA pack. With 4 AA's, you can transmit at 1.5W, and NiMH or Lithium AA's should last quite a long time in this radio. I understand that there are third-party NiMH battery packs available.

As a side question, can anybody recommend a better antenna for this radio?
Gemma Seymour (she/her) @gcvrsa