Contgratulations on getting your ticket. Here are some thoughts that I came up with, although somewhat disorganized

Things to consider when buying your first rig:
  • What is your budget?
  • What is your intended use? (casual QSOs from home, mobile work, hiking, ARES/RACES response, etc.)
  • I don't know what your situation is, but if you drive a vehicle at all, I would recommend a mobile rig as your first radio. HTs may be more appropriate if you take mass transit, or are not old enough to drive.
  • In most areas of the country, 2m is still the most-used band, so make sure the radio you buy has solid 2m capabilities.

  • If you already have a GMRS HT (I do also), keep it as another tool in the toolbox. GMRS' shared channels with FRS are something to keep in mind.

  • Unless you plan on upgrading to General class or higher in the near future, save yourself the expense of purchasing any HF-capable radios, at least to start.

  • Finally, Ed Harris, KE4SKY of Virginia RACES has some thoughts on radios for emergency communications. This doesn't mean calling for help in the wilderness, but replacing a commercial system when it's down or overloaded. e.g.: there is a hurricane and it takes out the county's only tower holding all the police/fire/EMS repeaters.
    Best Radio for Emergency Communications