You need some kind of organisation !
Last year, for my 50th birthday, I created a web page, listing all the things I wanted (+ some extras, stupid or fantastic, just for the fun of it ..)
And each friend/parent I invited at one of the several dinners I organised, had to visit that page, choose a gift and give his share to a Master of the List (a cousin) so that I would not know who gave what or what amount.
Some itemss on my wish list got enough "donations" to be bought. And a good amount was spread on various gifts.
So, at the end, I just pooled the money and selected the most choosen (and the most interesting !) items...
I almost succeeded to avoid the usual inadequat/stupid/not desired gifts, but for one friend, who did not understand the procedure and did not visit the web page... well... she IS blond after all... <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />