I thought I had addressed this before, but perhaps not. "Blood stopper" has been in use for decades in many, many formulations by many manufacturers, in the verterinary world. I have used it on myself inumerable times for small but not insignificat wounds.
There is simply no magic here. there are many organic and inorganic compounds out there. I've seen them all, because they were intoduced in the vet environment before somebody got the balls to send it out for people.
All of them make debriding a wound a [censored]. All promote scarring. I can show you. All work, to a degree. The modern miracle stuff is just going to suck water out of the serum. Clotting is caused by fibrinogen and platelets and a HUGE number of blood factors that are influential. For our routine purposes, it is fibrinogen and platelets.
There are at least 6 congenital conditions short of hemophilia which people are commonly walking around with. The most prevalent is von Willabrands disease / syndrom. Many people thing that they simply bruise easily, and do not know that they have a clotting / coagulopathy disorder.
As far as the 'topical' blood stoppers are concerned, I have become convince, personally and experiencially, that if you can't stop it with packing and pressure, if probably won't happen. Let's be really practicall here. You are not going to bleed out from a superficial wound. You will bleed out from a big vesel, but none of the topical agents are going to do the job.