I don't understand the purpose of all this camping gear in BOB's unless you actually live in or near the woods. How many people do?
It's not camping gear it's primative methods for multiple tasks. Some include fire starting, shelter making, food gathering, and water preperation. While it may seem like 'camping gear' (as most could be/is) it's the 'essentials' you would need to get by 'on the run' bugging out to your bug-out place. Atleast in my eyes this is the goal... and if you have your gear in your BOB you can hike and "camp" on your way or drive and "camp" on your way while bugging out.
It just seems like camp gear because in modern times that's what we call sleeping in the woods.
And to answer your question I live within hiking distances of the woods, and visit them often and cary a modified version of my BOB. Today I was at 6500ft+ and almost got 'stuck' but I had my gear and was ready to stay a night or two if we needed too.