This just arrived from an eBay seller, D&B Primative Forgeworks. I have wanted a firepiston for a long time....ever since another member nearly burned his house down with one from Wilderness Solutions. I have one from Jeff Wagner on order but ran across this fellow on ebay and got lucky with my opening bid winning the package.
This is a cocobolo piston with a built in hand drill device. The piston body has a hole in the end to hold a piece of mullen, then a shaft (or arrow shaft) is inserted in the body and you have a hand drill....unique. He supplied the fireboard, fungus, mullen, string and lubricant too.
My first attempts with the piston did not give me a coal, but I changed out my piece of fungus and got a coal on the next whack. Of course, I picked out the coal on top of a magazine wrapped in plastic on my desk....not exactly the sort of fire lay I should have had...smoked my magazine a might but fun.
I am off to play......
I love the smell of Tinderfungus in the cube space...