I had a 150# carabineer from backpacking light ( http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/ursalite_micro_carabiner.html ) which of the same design as the countycomm clip. Just carrying it in my pocket with all the other stuff in my there caused the spring closure to get bent sideways and out of alignment.

For items I want to quickly take off of my key chain, I use $0.35 glove hooks ( http://www.dogbooties.com/glovehook.html ). You will notice in the photo that there is a gap in closing of the plastic clip. However, you can do the following to remove the gap.
1. Move the flexible part of the clip around such that it is resting on the outside of the curved section.
2. Hold flexible part of clip in the flame of your Bic light for 1 to 1.5 seconds (any more and the plastic will start to burn).
3. After the plastic cools, move the flexible part of the clip back to its original position—there will no longer be a gap in the closure.