Just a shot in the dark, but typical data for a TRS 3mm Red looks like 2.25v - 2.6v at 28ma max. Feeding it 3v, try a 33 ohm 1/8 watt resistor. For a 5mm yellow run-of-the-mill, 2.15v to 2.6v Imax 36ma - try a 22 ohm 1/8 watt resistor. I figured them at 2.3v across the LED and 25 ma for red and 35 ma yellow, closest standard resistors, and 1/8 watt is the standard little TRS resistor power rating, which is more than large enough. You can fiddle with the numbers - here is a link to a calculator. I think I was wrong about the green LED Vf - looks like most of them are in the range of the red and yellow and the cheapies take VERY little amperage.

