Naysayers: OK, I fully agree that it may be myth, but I offer a challenge: Prove it is a myth.

I "knew" this long before 1992. So far all I find on the www are statements similar to the one I made. That's not proof that it is true. But so far I find no clinical evidence one way or another.

As I wrote, my observations to date match the "common knowledge", and purposefully using night vision, purposefully teaching people to use night vision more effectively for over 30 years is at least a little bigger data set to draw on than simply guessing how well my own two eyeballs work vs someone else's eyeballs. But even that is not scientific; it's annecdotal.

Of course eye color per se has nothing to do with night vision! Is there a connection between eye color and number, distribution, efficacy, etc of rods? That is entirely possible - the question is, is it true or not in a general (meaningful) way?

I'll look for hard data because I made the statement.

But saying "it's a myth" with no supporting data is... well, prove it, OK? If we can find a truthful & definitive answer to the question, mission accomplished, whatever the answer is. I'd like to know myself - is what I said accurate or not?

I'm not flaming anyone, just pointing out that absent conclusive evidence, calling it "a myth" is the same as saying "it's true". I'm not married to the idea either way; I'd like to know the truth.

