Just because our officials will feel a fraction of what we do on a daily basis, doesn't mean that they'll come rushing to our aid when we need them. Dr. Rice can complain and have her entourage treated special, but I doubt it raises her concern for the rest of us.

I actually have a TSA story now! When I was getting on a plane for my honeymoon, I was actually selected for additional screening. When I overheard a big male TSA employee muttering about getting to have "all the fun," my mind immediately flashed to the news articles about women getting felt up by the screeners. I gave a look to my husband, but luckily was escorted over to a female employee who was nice and quick.

When I got to my honeymoon destination and looked inside my checked luggage, I noticed that the new travel steamer and iron that I purchased to steam and press my wedding gown was missing. I didn't think it was desirable enough to steal, but it still ticks me off. Good thing I carried on all my jewelry.