Kinda depends on where you are, but where I am from, if you want prolific, plant a half dozen mounds full of zuchhini. they overtake the most robust of weeds, and are so prolific you will be hard pressed to use all the produce. They are healthier for you than potatoes as well. If you do this, you better like summer squash an awful lot. I've pulled well in excess of 300 lbs of fruit from a 10' x 20' plot full of zucchini plants. From now on never more than three mounds for me. Oh yeah, they dehydrate real nice and easy and hold up that way for a long time, and add a lot of flavor to winter stews and casseroles. All I ever did to mine was water them regular, and boy I sure got to regretting it after a while. During the peak of the season, you can darn near watch the fruit grow in front of you. Their space to production ratio is the highest yield I can think of, much better than potatoes because of their continuous harvest process. Plants will produce fruit from early summer to the first frost back home.
Tomatoes are darn near as bad, but need some tending at first to get them going. I've overdone it on them in my garden before as well. Rhubarb is another one of those crops that can overwhelm you. Yep, too much of a good thing is pretty common at the Price homestead. I have a tendancy to turn half my yard into garden. I'd rather have somethig to show for my efforts than a big pile of grass clippings if I am gonna do yard work <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)