This Kit I call my "Bailout Kit" it is designed for me to grab out of a vehicle quickly in an emergency. This kit is designed to help me stay alive and become found even if I am on the move.
First aid kit, small field
GSW kit (BloodStopper, TraumaDex, 3" elastic bandage)
Flare, 1000m
SDU 5/E strobew\ CR123 conversion & IR filter
Penflare kit
Chemlights (Blue 8hr, Orange 30min, 2xGreen 12hr)
Large orange plastic bag (4mil)
Poncho (liner added durning winter)
Paracord 550 25 meters
Sunscreen wipes
Insect repelent wipes
Repair kit, small
Petzl Tikka Plus headlamp
AAA batteries, 3
CR123 Batteries, 2
AA batteries, 4
Cook Kit (Ti Mug, foil wind screen, esbit stove, 6 esbit fuel tabs, bandana, ti-spork)
Coffee Bags, 2
Chicken Soup, 2
Cider Mix 2
MRE entree and heater, 2
HammerGel, 4
GU2O Packets (for 24oz), 4
Lifesavers, 20
Firestarter kit (25 matches, 6 tinders)
Magnesium/flint firestarter
Cigar lighter
surveyors tape (25' in film contanier)
Water purification tabs, 10
surgical tubing, 24"
Exceedren bottle
Ecaps, 20
Ka-Bar Nightfighter combo blade knife in eagle sheath
EmergenC mix, 4
Fox40 Whistle
Tan Boonie hat
Long sleeve tan microfiber shirt
Marrmot PreCip jacket
Nomex flight gloves
I also carry the following:
Garmin eTrex Vista GPS
Sunnto Compass
Maps of area
Surefire Avaiator A2
Cigar Lighter
Leatherman Multitool
Pocket Survival Kit

Pocket Survival Kit
[img] [image][/img]
Not Shown:
Sig P220 with spare magazines
Cell Phone
UHF handheld radio with fresh batteries