Saadam too, Hid out and "Survived" for a while, before his Capture, -as we'd remember. I personally have NO levels of Like or Admiration for him! And likewise view him as More or Less, -or even Entirely, -Evil.

With mao, stalin, hitler, pol pot, saadam's sons, and many others, -I too feel No personal Sympathy, Like, nor Admiration for! However they may Grade, -A Plus to E Minus, -in a Pure Out Survival Situation.

Rudolph in my overall View and Judgement, -is a kind of "Tweener" Person, -who may or may not be any bit Evil. Though certainly he did some Very Wrong, Objectionable, and Evil things nevertheless.

Also, in his View and Mind however, -he was Addressing and Responding to what he felt were various Evil Actions of Others. Or so he anyway says. It still does NOT Excuse or Justify it. Plenty more people than just Rudolph, -think that Miss Lyons for example, was *also* doing some Evil. (Even if Unknowingly and Non-Intentionally) (Yet the Vast Majority of them, -don't do things like Rudolph type bombings.). So if we're going to be Citeing and Opposing Evil.....!, -Many would Reply that we shouldn't be so Double Standarded about it!

Again, -I have absolutely NO Like, Admiration, or Sympathy, -for saadam back there in his Survival Situation! (And like Rudolph, -"He did it to Himself!"). And though he may not have been an E Student at Survival, -he probably didn't Rate or Rank the Survival Honor Roll either. But *IF* he hypothetically had, -I could still learn Pure Survival Lessons from the likes of even him. I could still Separate Pure Out Survival Matters, -from the Evil Objectionability and all, -of such a particular Survivor. So even if Rudolph is as much as Pure Out Evil, -and again my personal feeling is that he Doesn't go that far, -His Survival Experience can still be Separated from his Wrong Deeds, -and Survival Lessons can still be Learned! (Even if he too, -Ranked somewhere between the Bottom of the Barrel / Spider Hole, -and a Survival Honor Roll ! ). [color:"black"] [/color] [color:"black"] [/color] [email]norad45[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.