The extent to which I may somewhat like or admire this guy, -as a Person / ality, - and of his overall Wilderness Experiences, -and of what I've mentioned that I am not limiting those to, -all DO NOT include nor entail, his killings, maimings, bombings, or other wrongs.

I think I like him somewhat as a *Personality and Person*.

That's what I Mean and Meant, -when I said, (paraphrasing now), -of such like and "admiration" as being beyond just his Survival Aspects alone. (Though such aspects too do count for a lot of it in me).

I've gotten a little worried about such possible Reactions, Mis / Understandings, and Mis / Interpretations, -a day or so after originally posting.

I've also been reading a relatively recent book on the topic, -"Hunting Eric Rudolph", -in for one thing, -a further effort to better make up my mind, -on just where he comes down with me.

To the extent that he either is, or may be, -domestically terroristic, anti social, or whatnot, -I'm as Turned Off to him!, -as any of you!

*Again, -I Utterly Oppose and Deplore!, -Any and All such Wrongs as he's all round Done!*

Engaging in Guerilla War against say nazi oppression, -is one thing. But I DON'T beleive that bombing clinics and other locations, -in today's all round Society, -is a proper, -or in any way permittable, -way to further one's views on the matter.

I'm also Moved by the Experience of Miss Lyons, (as well as the Sandersons and Others), -injured in one of his bombings. Though personally differing with what she did at such place. My Regards and Sympathies DO go out to her and them. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]MGF[/email]

Edited by ScottRezaLogan (07/26/05 10:16 PM)
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.