Why so hard?

"-I nevertheless find myself considerably Liking and Admiring this guy, -along with his Experience. This largely entails, but is not solely limited to, -the Survival Aspects involved."

Well, gee, i dunno, maybe because the man he finds himself considerably liking and admiring happened to have killed and maimed innocents? And, if I remember his court appearances correctly, said he was sorry ... he only meant to target law enforcement, not bystanders.

Good enough for me.

Re intellectually mature enough to separate the deed and the doer, I don't buy it.

Sometimes evil, pure and simple, walks on two feet and needs to be recognized and labeled as such, and I believe the object of admiration in this case to be such a man.

In my career, I've met one serial killer and listened to another guy who, by his own admission, stuck up crack dealers for a living. (He was being tried on murder charges at the time). There was not a glint of humanity in either. They were, in short, the most dangerous of animals.

One raped and killed hookers and the other held up crackheads and dealers, so I suppose one could argue there is something to be examined, analyzed and even admired in their actions and their planning ... but not by me.

I'd argue that "intellectual maturity" surpasses chat-board analysis and one upsmanship ... perhaps sometimes it involves simply recognizing that you are in the presence of something quite bad and turning to face it for what it is.

But I could be wrong.