Scott, The 'social bandit' has always appealed to a part of society that feels some grievance against the government or other social powers. It goes back to Gilgamesh and the Wildman, Robin Hood and to another contemporary 'hero' Claude Dallas. Claude was a wannabe trash trapper- ersatz cowboy who angered ethical trappers and eventually murdered two Fish and Game officers effecting his arrest for poaching. Our 'mountain man' or 'last buccaroo' hid out with the active help of some community members with a like disdain for authority. Rudolf as well enjoyed logistical support from his peers. Claude got recaptured in a convenience quickiemarket in- Southern California and old Rudie was what, dumpster diving? There are folksongs playing the bars in the Owyhee Range romanticising Claude and no doubt some sister with her hands upraised to the heavens is suppressing lustfull thoughts of bearing Rudolph's 12 children while the guitar player sings his praise. I dismiss them both as a Christian, as a sometime cowboy and most firmly as a advocate of being prepared in urban and wilderness emergencies. There are countless examples of people who have survived greater odds, the jewish resistance fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto, Shackelton's epic voyage, The fellow pilot Saint-Exupery wrote ever so briefly about climbing out of the Pyrenee Mountains after a crash and countless others. Rudolph and Claude deserve the further punishment of being ignored and rejected by the society they treated with the same disdain.