OK, first half, my BIG grumble with how they did EMP.
-EMP MIGHT mangle your starter, but you can on the battery.
-EMP WILL destroy the chip that runs your fuel injector. That minivan ain't moving.
-EMP will NOT effect an engine with a carb. We only saw it for a few seconds, but wasn't that a Cobra? Not a single chip under the hood, it wouldn't have just stopped.

Second bit, why do you think I hate cities. :P One minute to clear, I grab everything I can put my hands on real fast, and go. Period. If that means bugging out with the EDC, so be it.

In this particular senario, if I was close enough to see the walker come out, my first action would be to soil myself. I won't lie. I know the state of the art, and anything that far in advanced of it.... I can't run very well these days. The knee doesn't cooperate.

Now, I have another question for everyone: who here has, just for haha's, thought about an alien invasion in thier planning sessions? <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> What can I say, I'm a geek.