Maybe not too far from plausible scenario, at least when you consider most of urban America is still targetted by ICBMs. If you see my initial post, you will find that I have planned to overcome most of the problems you listed. EMP might still get my old burb in trouble if it is close enough, but even if I can't leave town, I would still be one of the last men standing. I know, not much point, but as long as you are alive, you have a chance. If nothing else, I know where I can get my hands on an old panhead and me and the old lady can cruise the backroads to the cabin with just our BOBs and pistols, and maybe a shotgun, and maybe one of the mini-14s, and maybe.....
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)