This is a very tough problem because he just does not have to contend with the a normal survival situation.

Problems to over come:

EMP pulse weapon that wiped out all electronics.
No communications.
Can't drive on most roads.
There are roaming mobs to deal with.
A whole social economic break down of society (total chaos).
A superior enemy of which he knows nothing about.
An enemy that destroys everything in sight; people, buildings, cities.
An instant mad max scenario.
A short term situation is now a long term situation.

He was so traumatized by the savagery and the suddenness of the ordeal that he gave his son a cardboard box told him to fill it, so his sonfilled it with a full bottle of ketchup, a full bottle of mustard, bottle of Tabasco sauce etc.


Sixty seconds is not enough unless you are prepared in advance and physically train and work out a long range plan. This is providing you can get out of the city alive.
Most kits are designed for 2 days to 2 weeks, but this is nowhere adequate for this scenario. Thank god this is just a fictitious story.

So what would be in your long term kit?